
Cruise Ship Negligence: Common Scenarios

Cruise Ship Accident Attorney in Las Vegas, NV

With the coronavirus outbreak, the travel industry is taking a big hit in its finances especially in the industry of cruise line vacations. After the passengers of the Diamond Princess cruise ship were quarantined in the ship at the coast of Japan, the world watched as the number of those infected grew from 49 to 700.

Given its confined space, it’s common knowledge that cruise ships are like incubators for disease, so one can practically sue the respective government saying it’s their fault that the disease spread as much as it has, except you can’t. Any government has the right to quarantine cruise ship passengers for the safety of its citizens, but what other injuries can one sue a cruise line for? Here are some common examples of cases where you would need to get a personal injury attorney in Las Vegas, Nevada to start a case.

Negligence: Cases of negligence on a cruise ship mostly involve slipping or falling such as slipping on a pool deck, tripping on an ill-placed threshold with no warning or falling down a poorly designed staircase. These cases are handled in the same way that you would handle the case-type individually off of a cruise ship. For slipping on a pool deck, the floor would need to be unreasonably slippery and not merely “just wet” as one would expect a pool deck to be. For tripping on a threshold, as the existence of door thresholds is mandatory on cruise ships (despite being hazardous), you can only form a successful case if there is a lack of warnings of the threshold’s existence. For falling down the stairs, your personal injury attorney in Las Vegas, Nevada can only form a successful case by hiring a naval architect to inspect the stairs to certify whether or not the design is in line with architectural safety practices; sort of like getting an affidavit of merit.

Non-Negligence (intentional): One other scenario that you’ll definitely want to sue for is a physical or sexual assault. As the cruise line is responsible for the conduct of its employees, you can open up a claim for a crime of battery against the cruise line. The only exception to the rule is that the cruise line is not responsible for negligence and crimes in events or excursions that are conducted by a separate company. If a cruise line contracts a company to conduct a tour and you are injured due to a form of negligence committed by the staff of that company, it’s that company and not the cruise line that you need to open up a personal injury claim against.






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