
Know the Specifics: You’ll Get Cited for More Than Just Texting

Auto Accident Attorney in Las Vegas, NV

When online video streaming became popular, our government created laws to accommodate and protect the intellectual property rights of visual media creators. As smartphone usage became widespread, the government also created laws as texting while driving became a notable cause of car accidents.

The law prohibiting texting while driving went into effect in 2012, but while people are aware of its illegality, most people are unaware that the law also prohibits GPSs, MP3s, and other handheld media and communication devices.

The operative word here is “handheld,” but that said, if you drive Uber or Lyft and have a GPS or other device mounted to your vehicle, you’re perfectly fine.

These specifics are important now more than ever as according to Channel 3 News Las Vegas, the LVMPD will be increasing efforts to cite drivers for handheld device usage while driving as part of its “joining forces” campaign.

But while “hands-free” communication/media is statistically safer, a car accident is still possible as the aspects of distracted driving include:

1.Manual: Hands off the wheel

2.Visual: Eyes off the road

3.Cognitive: Mind off the task of driving

Distracted driving is difficult to prove in general as the opposing party can lie to investigators and say their hands were engaged in anything other than the operation of a handheld media/communication device.

After all, the law prohibits the usage of phones, MP3s, and GPSs. Not eating food, adjusting the car radio, or even the application of makeup; all of which can just as easily cause an accident.

More legislators are calling for these to be illegal while driving, but at the moment these are culturally intangible things to do, so it’s unlikely to happen anytime soon.

Still, if you’ve been in a car accident and an investigation shows signs of distracted driving, do see an attorney.

In any personal injury lawsuit regarding a car accident, there are multiple causes and every detail will be taken into account to determine who is at fault.

Don’t be shy when it comes to bringing to light a small detail that may ultimately sway the outcome of your own case.

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