Voir Dire in Personal Injury Trials

Voir Dire in Personal Injury Trials

     The first concept to remember and keep in mind is that voir dire is incredibly important in plaintiff’s personal injury trial work.  It is more important today than it was twenty or thirty years ago.  The reason for this is that more jurors are coming into the courtroom with powerful prejudices against plaintiffs and […]

Voir Dire and Peremptory Challenges

     The purpose of this short blog is simply to shed some light on some of the Nevada rules regarding jury voir dire in civil trials.  In Nevada, both sided of the case are afforded unlimited for cause challenges followed by four peremptory challenges.  If there are multiple parties on one side of the case, […]

Voir Dire and Cause Challenges

     Some lawyers will say that voir dire is one of, if not the most, important segments of your jury trial.  I have noticed however that some attorneys seem to take voir dire for granted, spending little time in voir dire or seemingly unconcerned with the voir dire process.  I have to agree with those […]

Visceral Communication in Trial

     Trials are complicated affairs.  Trials by their very nature require a unique and often disjointed means of presentation.  Moreover, trials often take days if not weeks to conclude.  Given these circumstances, combined with the short attention spans of today’s jurors, it is incumbent upon us as trial lawyers to do all we can to […]

Respondeat Superior/Vicarious Liability

     Many intentional torts are committed by employees working for a corporation or a company while on the job.  For example, in the typical case, a security guard at a hotel or apartment complex may use excessive force on a customer or tenant resulting in injury.  Less typical are those cases where a clerk at […]

Understanding Jurors, Beyond Voire Dire

     During the voire dire process we, as lawyers, need to take extra care to determine what attitudes and opinions each of our potential jurors carry with them.  We know that we cannot change the attitudes of our jurors during the trial process.  Attitudes are formed by prior life experiences.  Once these attitudes are formed […]

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