Who Should Hire a Personal Injury Attorney in Las Vegas, NV? 
If you have recently been injured or have lost a loved one due to another’s negligent, reckless, or intentionally dangerous conduct, you may be wondering whether you could benefit from speaking with a lawyer. If you are unsure of exactly who (or what) may have been responsible for the injurious circumstances that you’re now grappling with, that’s okay. Speaking with the experienced legal team at Eric Roy Law Firm is a no-risk process. Even if you’re unsure of whether you have grounds to file a legal case, you are welcome to speak with our team in a confidential, no-pressure, no-obligation setting. Our consultations are always free because we believe that no one should have to pay to learn about their rights and options under the law in the wake of being injured.
Who Should Hire a Personal Injury Attorney in Las Vegas, NV?
Generally speaking, injury victims have strong grounds upon which to file a lawsuit if someone (a person, company, government agency, etc.) directly caused them injury as a result of negligent, reckless, or intentionally dangerous conduct. What does this mean practically? The most obvious examples of injurious scenarios that lead to successful lawsuits involve drunk or distracted drivers who plow into unsuspecting motorists, cyclists, or pedestrians. However, when accidents happen as a result of defective auto parts, ill-maintained roads, drowsy drivers, aggressive driving behavior, and any number of other negligent, reckless, or intentionally dangerous influences, successful lawsuits may be filed as well.
When In Doubt, Speak with a Lawyer
If you have recently been Googling “Who should hire a personal injury attorney in Las Vegas, NV?”, chances are good that YOU should be exploring the possibility of filing legal action. Why? If you’ve recently been injured – and the circumstances that led to your injury were at least 50 percent the fault of another party – chances are very good that you have grounds upon which to file legal action.
Even if you don’t end up having a viable case, the most that attending a free consultation will cost you is an hour of your time. Either way, you’ll have the peace of mind that accompanies knowing that you’ve explored all of your options and made informed decisions about your situation.
Legal Assistance Is Available
If you have not yet scheduled a consultation with the experienced Nevada legal team at Eric Roy Law Firm, please do so now. It is often very difficult to determine the strengths and weaknesses of a case without first allowing an experienced legal team to evaluate the “ins and outs” of the situation in question. Once we understand the circumstances that you’re facing, we’ll be able to provide you with personalized legal guidance. At that time, you’ll be empowered to make whatever informed decision best suits you and your family. We look forward to speaking with you and to providing you with any legal support that you may benefit from at this time.