
Topic: What You Need To Know About Car Accident Claims

Car Accident Lawyer

A car accident can happen at any time. It doesn’t matter how experienced you are or how well you know the roads, accidents will always happen. Most states require drivers to carry liability insurance to cover bodily injuries and property damage that may occur during an auto accident. You should file a claim as soon as possible after being involved in a car accident.

Here’s what you need to know.

Telling your insurance company immediately

It’s important to notify your insurance company as soon as possible after an accident occurs so they can begin to help you with the claim process. If there are damages that need to be repaired, the sooner your insurance company is notified, the sooner they can get started on processing your claim and working directly with the car accident victim.

Filing a police report

Some states require drivers to file a report with law enforcement officials if they were involved in an auto accident. In case of serious injuries or fatalities, law enforcement may be required by state laws to come out and do an investigation of the accident.

If you were involved in an auto accident and didn’t provide law enforcement officials with information about the accident, it could have serious legal repercussions for you later on down the road.

Gather details about the specific accident

You need to gather all of the details about the specific accident. This is because there might be additional expenses due to this particular incident, such as medical bills and subsequent treatment.

The insurance company may ask for proof of injury or harm done during the accident and they may require any medical records supporting it as well.

When you call to make a claim, you’ll need to give your insurer the details of the accident; information about everyone involved in the accident; and details about what happened leading up to the crash (if there was anything unusual or out of place).

You’ll also need to give police, fire department, or ambulance staff any information they request about what happened during the crash — including names and addresses of people involved and details about how it occurred.

Keep in mind, your attorney will get this information from any witnesses or people present at the time of the accident and not from you directly.

Get your vehicle fixed.

The first thing you’ll probably want to do after an accident is to have your car fixed, or at least have it inspected. You can always choose not to file a claim and just pay for the repair yourself, but if you plan on doing that, get a few estimates first in case they find something unexpected once they start working on the car.

Trying to handle it all at once can be overwhelming if you’ve never had to deal with a car accident before. It can also be stressful, since not only do you have to deal with all of this at once, but it could also cost a lot of money. By contacting a car accident lawyer from Greenspan & Greenspan P.C., you can take the stress of filing a claim away. 


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